Thank you for attending AUTOTESTCON 2016!
Thank you for attending AUTOTESTCON 2016, we hope you enjoyed it! Join us next year in Schaumburg, IL for AUTOTESTCON 2017. View the photos from AUTOTESTCON 2016 here.
Please also download the presentations from our Plenary session:

Welcome to IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2016
Join us in Anaheim, California, USA!
AUTOTESTCON will be held in Anaheim, California, on September 12-15, 2016. AUTOTESTCON is the world's premier conference that brings together the military & aerospace automatic test industry and government & military acquirers and users to share new technologies, discuss innovative applications, and exhibit products and services. The TECHNICAL PROGRAM for AUTOTESTCON 2016 will be determined by the interests of those participants submitting for publication and presentation a TECHNICAL PAPER or organizing a TECHNICAL SESSION. Papers and sessions will cover appropriate topics dealing with SYSTEMS READINESS in general and AUTOMATIC TEST technology in particular.
Where we'll be...
Disneyland Hotel and Convention Center
1150 W Magic Way
Anaheim, California, 92802 USA